1.      I hereby agree and undertake that payment made is not refundable, and even if I chose to discontinue my Course or Area of Specialization training at any point after payment, I understand and agree that I should expect no refund from the Institute.


2.      The Institute reserves the right to shift the Commencement Date of a Course after registration with due notice to the registered student. However, this shall not in any way reverse or make case for a reversal of previous transactions with the Institute.


3.      A Change of Course or Area of Specialization, Deferment of Course or Batch by a Student or SIWES+ Intern not caused by the Institute attracts an administrative charge of N10,000. This amount will be determined in line with current economic realities from time to time by the Institute and payable before such a Change is effected.


4.      Any student who is Changing Course or Batch, or Area of Specialization or Batch by a SIWES+ Intern will be required to pay the prevailing Course Fee or SIWES+ Training Fee; or pay up the Course or Training Fee Differential balance to make up the prevailing Fee as at the time the Change is being made. Such a student shall be duly Re-invoiced.


5.      As an Onsite Student, I shall pay up the Balance of my Installment Training Fee as at when due according to the Payment Schedule as indicated on my first Receipt and my failure to do so shall deprive me the right to attend Lectures. 


6.      Failure to make payment within Ten Working days by Onsite Student after the Due Date of the expected month shall qualify me to enter the Student Debtor’s Account and I shall cease to be recognized as a student under the Batch registered.


7.      An Onsite student whose name has entered the Student Debtor’s Account shall be re-admitted into a course only after payment of the outstanding prevailing Training Fees and Change of Batch/Deferment charges.

8.      The Student, the Institute shall not be responsible for: 

a)      the outcome of failure to get a student communicated via the contact phone(s) or addresses provided by him/her. 

b)      Certificates not collected by the student twelves (12) months after completion of training.


9.      I shall always carry my ID Card with me and use same to identify myself whenever I am in the Institutes’ Onsite premises. The Institute is not a place for me to entertain my guests. I shall not make or receive phone calls in the class during lectures. Mobile phones are to be silenced or switched-off during classes.


10.    Fighting in the Institute’s Onsite premises is prohibited and this attracts instant dismissal. Smoking or consumption of alcoholic drinks or beverages attracts suspension from the Institute. Any acts of intimidation, disrespect of fellow trainees, harassment or embarrassment to fellow students will attracts suspension from the Institute.  I shall pay for any equipment damaged by me during the course of my study.


11.    Failure to attend lectures up to the minimum of 75% acceptable level disqualifies me from taking my examination for a Course or semester, except if I am able to convince the Faculty Coordinator by writing an undertaking. No Certificate will be awarded unless the candidate satisfactorily completes all formal Assessments (CAT, Examinations & Projects) concerned. 

12.    I agree and undertake that any examination missed without prior notice of the Institute shall be written as Re-sit paper during the normal time for Re-sit examination with conditions prevailing in Re-sit examination, any examination missed with the consent of the Institute’s management may be written as a Make-up Examination. 

13.    I further consent that Re-sit Examination for failed paper(s) and Make-up Exam for missed exams/assessment(s) attracts administrative charge, the amount will be determined by the Institute in line with current prevailing economic realities. 

14.    A student or SIWES+ Intern who fails more than three (3) Subjects in a Semester Exam shall repeat the Semester after payment of Repeat Fee. Where a student chooses not to write an end of Course exams, he/she can only be awarded Certificate of Attendance.

15.    The Institute is not a custodian of student’s or SIWES+ Intern’s valuable properties and money, and such should be kept away from the Institute.  The Institute shall not accept any liability for stolen money or properties. In fact, vehicles and motorbikes are parked at owner’s risk. All trainees’ bags or luggage are not to be kept on the computer laboratory table/desk. Stealing in the Institute premises attracts instant dismissal; the Institute’s management may consider further punishment as deem fit.

16.    Only decent dresses are allowed in the Institute’s Onsite and cyber premises.  Dresses that expose the body, e.g. short for ladies and transparent fabric are not allowed in the. Use of feminine things like earrings and lipsticks by men are not allowed in the Institute premises (both virtual and Onsite).

17.    Without derogation to the generality of the regulations, any breach of the above-mentioned regulations guiding trainees’ conducts in this Institute by me will undoubtedly invite disciplinary measures such as, suspension, rustication and withdrawal from the Institute, and such other actions deem fit in the circumstances of that breach by the Institute’s management. 

18.    The Institute’s management reserves the right to modify, add or amend this code of conduct from time to time.